

When embarking on a weight loss diet, it naturally means restriction of foods and subsequently nutrients. However, it is not necessary that you affect your body negatively. Let’s talk about skin nutrition during “dieting”

  • The bottom line is water is the key ingredient when it comes to keeping the skin healthy. A healthy adult’s body is made up of approximately 50 – 70% water. Overweight people in general have a water percentage of 30 – 40% and thus more likely to be at risk of cell dehydration.

Water is needed for nearly every bodily process including digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion. In order to keep your skin hydrated it is essential that you drink enough water – at least 1.5 litres a day!  While drinking this amount of water in winter can be unpleasant for some, keep your fluid levels up by experimenting with warming drinks. For example, choose herbal teas or warm water with a slice of lemon or fresh mint and carry a bottle of water around with you during the day to make it easier to keep yourself hydrated.

Apart from drinking water directly, ensuring that you eat enough fruits and vegetables during the day will also help you look your best. Fruits and vegetables have a high water content and help to hydrate the skin and of course provide the extra benefits of giving your body an array of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eating a colourful variety of fruits and vegetables ensures that you get a good mix of nutrients.

Other key nutrients for skin are: vitamin C, vitamin A and zinc.

Vitamin C is vital for the formation of collagen in the skin and is a key antioxidant. The oil-producing sebaceous glands that moisten and nourish the skin are dependent on vitamin C.

Simeon B

Go moderate



Mineola, naartjie, orange, grapefruit, strawberries, tangerine, raw chillies, pawpaw, tomato, lettuce, broccoli, spinach

+ green peppers

+ guava, kiwifruit

+ yellow/red peppers

Vitamin A is also known as the skin vitamin. Vitamin A helps to control the rate of keratin accumulation in the skin.  A lack of vitamin A can therefore result in dry, rough skin..

Simeon B

Go moderate



Egg yolk, broccoli, spinach, spanspek (canteloupe)

+ green peppers

+ carrots

Cod liver oil and other fish liver oils, liver, full cream milk and milk products, sweet potatoes, apricots

Note: most low-fat and fat-free milk products are fortified with vitamin A to replace what is lost in the fat removal

Zinc is the mineral that assists greatly in the treatment and prevention of dry skin. It supports wound healing and acts as a boost to your immune system.

Simeon B

Go moderate



Crayfish/prawns, milk products eg cheese and yoghurt, meat, chicken


+ whole-grain cereals eg Bran

+ Oysters, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, legumes or pulses eg beans, nuts, seaweed (sushi)

Omega-3 essential fatty acids act as an internal moisturiser for the body. These essential fatty acids make up part of each of your cells membranes and thus they are important in determining what enters and exits the cell. Without enough fats in the cell membranes, cells are not able to retain water and therefore lose their plumpness easily.

Simeon B

Go moderate






+ avocado,nuts and seeds, Cooking oils such as flax seed oil, canola oil, and soybean oil


  • Some eggs, such as omega-3 enriched eggs .

So look after your skin from the inside out this winter by eating healthily and remembering to keep drinking water.

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