
How Much Water Should You Drink In A Day Based On Weight In Kg?

A glass of water standing on a wooden table.

Water is not just a basic need but the cornerstone of good health. About 60% of our body is made up of water, and every living cell requires it to function. However, it is important to note that there is such a thing as excessive water intake. So, the question arises: how much water should we drink in a day according to weight in Kg? Let’s dive into the answer!


Importance of Drinking Enough Water


Before we get into the specifics, it is crucial to understand why drinking enough water is vital for our overall health. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:


  • Water helps with digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • It flushes out toxins and waste from the body
  • Keeps our skin healthy and glowing 
  • Regulates body temperature through sweat and respiration 
  • Cushions joints, tissues, and organs in the body 


Factors That Affect How Much Water You Need


The amount of water an individual needs to drink in a day varies from person to person. It depends on several factors, including:


  • Physical activity: The more active you are, the more water your body needs 
  • Climate: Hot and humid weather leads to excessive sweating, which requires more hydration
  • Overall health: Certain medical conditions like kidney disease or heart failure may require monitoring of fluid intake
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding need more water to stay hydrated. 


How Much Water Should You Drink In A Day According To Weight in Kg?


Now, let’s get to the main question. It is often recommended that adults should drink eight glasses of water per day, which is equivalent to about two litres. 

However, this recommendation does not take into account the weight of an individual. According to Brita, healthy adults need around 35ml of water each day per kilogram of body weight. Based on this guideline, an individual weighing 50 kilograms requires 1.7 litres of water, while someone weighing 60 kilograms needs 2.1 litres. For those weighing 70 kilograms, the recommended intake is 2.4 litres, and for individuals weighing 80 kilograms, it is 2.8 litres

Remember, the general rule of thumb you can follow is to divide your weight in kilograms by 30. For example, if you weigh 60 kilograms, then dividing it by 30 gives us 2 litres, which aligns with the recommended intake mentioned above.


How Much Water Should You Drink A Day To Lose Weight?


Water is an excellent natural weight loss tool. In addition to keeping you hydrated, it also helps in flushing out toxins from the body and can aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism.

According to health experts, drinking water before a meal can help reduce appetite, leading to consuming fewer calories. Additionally, drinking water throughout the day can help curb cravings and prevent overeating.

But how much water should you aim to drink if your goal is weight loss? As mentioned earlier, the recommended intake is about 35ml per kilogram of body weight. So, for someone weighing 70 kilograms, their daily intake would be around 2.4 litres. However, this amount may vary depending on individual factors such as physical activity level and diet. For example, if you work out regularly or live in a hot climate, you will need to drink more water to replenish what is lost through sweating. In contrast, a sedentary individual may not require as much water intake.

Similarly, your diet can also affect how much water you need to drink. Diets high in fruits and vegetables, which are naturally rich in water, may require less supplemental water intake compared to diets high in processed foods with lower water content.


When Is The Best Time To Drink Water?


When you drink, water is just as important as how much you drink based on your Kg. The timing of your water intake can have a big impact on your overall well-being. It’s good to know when the best time to hydrate is for optimal digestion, vitality, and staying hydrated.

Please follow these helpful tips to make sure you’re drinking in the most efficient and healthy way possible:


Start Your Day with a Glass:


Upon waking, your body has gone several hours without hydration. Kickstart your metabolism by drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. This jumpstarts your digestive system, flushes out toxins, and replenishes the fluids lost during sleep.


Before Meals:


Sipping water 30 minutes before meals can aid digestion. It prepares your stomach for food and helps prevent overeating by creating a feeling of fullness. Avoid excessive drinking during meals, as it may dilute stomach acids needed for digestion.


Between Meals:


Staying hydrated between meals is crucial for overall health. Sip water gradually throughout the day to maintain a steady level of hydration. It’s especially important if you engage in physical activity or work in hot conditions.


During Exercise:


When you’re active, your body loses fluids through sweat. Replenish lost water by drinking during your workout. Aim for small sips to avoid discomfort. After exercise, continue hydrating to aid muscle recovery.


When You Feel Thirsty:


Thirst is your body’s way of signalling that it needs water. Listen to these cues and drink when you’re thirsty. Ignoring thirst can lead to dehydration, which can cause fatigue, headaches, and other health issues.


Before Bedtime:


A small glass of water before bedtime can prevent dehydration during the night. However, be mindful not to overdo it to avoid waking up for frequent bathroom trips.


When You’re Ill:


Illness often comes with increased fluid loss due to fever, sweating, and respiratory symptoms. Drink extra water when you are not feeling well to help your body heal and recover.


Post-Alcohol Consumption:


Alcohol is dehydrating. After a night of drinking, rehydrate with water to ease the effects of a hangover and flush toxins from your system.


When You Wake Up at Night:


If you wake up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty, have a small sip of water to quench your thirst. This can help prevent a dry mouth and ensure restful sleep.


After a Hot Bath or Sauna:


Hot baths and saunas can lead to dehydration through sweating, so it is a good idea to rehydrate afterwards to replenish lost fluids.


When You’re Exposed to Heat:


Hot weather can lead to increased sweating and fluid loss. Stay ahead of dehydration by drinking water regularly when exposed to high temperatures.


When You’re Pregnant or Nursing:


Pregnant and nursing women have increased fluid requirements. Ensure you drink enough water to support your own health and that of your baby.


Bottom Line


So, how much water should you drink in a day according to weight in Kg? The answer is not a simple one. It depends on various factors such as activity level, climate, and overall health. However, using the calculation provided above can give you a general guideline to follow. 

Ultimately, listen to your body’s thirst cues and replenish accordingly. 

If you find water bland, boring, and difficult to swallow, try Slender Wonder Water Enhancers. These water enhancers are low in calories and sugar-free!

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